
Gordon Buchanan: An Intimate Look into the World of Wildlife Photography

Gordon Buchanan, a renowned wildlife photographer and television presenter, has spent his life capturing the untamed beauty of the natural world. Growing up on the Isle of Mull, Buchanan developed a deep connection with nature that has driven him to explore forests, snowy landscapes, towering mountains, and the depths of great rainforests, all while filming some of the world’s largest predators.

Buchanan’s work is not for the faint of heart, as he often finds himself in heart-stopping moments while trying to capture the perfect shot. According to The Herald, Buchanan shared his experiences, stating, “There are moments of high excitement and definitely heart-stopping moments, but there’s always quite a long period between those.”

A Unique Job in the Wild

Buchanan’s job is unique in that it requires a significant amount of time investment to capture the footage he desires. He explained, “There are long periods of searching for the animal you want to try and film, and then even when you do find them, you have to sit and wait for things to unfold.” This patience and dedication set Buchanan apart from others in his field, as he immerses himself in the environment to understand the animals he films on a deeper level.

Anticipation and Vigilance

One key to Buchanan’s success is his ability to anticipate what might happen next and always stay vigilant. He recalled a moment early in his career when he outmaneuvered a fellow cameraman while waiting for a leopard to make a move. This experience taught him the importance of thinking ahead and being prepared for any situation that may arise in the wild.

Facing Predators Head-On

Throughout his career, Buchanan has filmed grizzly bears in Russia, tigers in the Himalayas, and jaguars in the Amazon, often putting himself in risky situations. He admitted, “They’re big, powerful animals, and on occasion, they do pose a threat.” Despite the danger, Buchanan understands the importance of respecting these apex predators and always remaining cautious in their presence.

Surviving Close Encounters

Buchanan has had his fair share of close encounters with wildlife, including being chased by a tiger and a bear. He reflected on these experiences, noting that the most dangerous moments are when you are unaware of an animal’s presence. This heightened sense of awareness has kept Buchanan safe in the face of potential threats from some of nature’s most fearsome creatures.

The Art of Wildlife Filmmaking

As a pioneer in wildlife filmmaking, Buchanan has dedicated over three decades to capturing rare and elusive moments in the wild. He shared his excitement over filming pandas mating in the wild, a feat that required weeks of dedication and patience. Buchanan’s commitment to capturing never-before-seen behaviors in animals has set him apart as a respected figure in the industry.

Live Show: Lions and Tigers and Bears

Buchanan is taking his experiences and knowledge on the road with his live show, aptly titled Lions and Tigers and Bears. The show will provide audiences with an intimate look into Buchanan’s encounters with these majestic animals, showcasing both the thrilling and heartwarming moments he has experienced throughout his career. From terrifying encounters with lions, tigers, and bears to tender moments observing wildlife in their natural habitat, Buchanan’s live show promises to be a captivating experience for all animal lovers.

Don’t miss the opportunity to witness Gordon Buchanan’s Lions and Tigers and Bears show at various venues across Scotland next year. Join Buchanan as he shares his unique insights and unforgettable encounters with some of the world’s most formidable predators.