
Scottish Brewer in Edinburgh Takes a Stand by Implementing London Living Wage

In a bold move to address the rising expenses faced by its employees, Vault City Brewery in Edinburgh has committed to paying its staff the London Living Wage. This decision has sparked discussions about the need for an Edinburgh-specific living wage to match the growing costs of living in the city.

The London Living Wage, which was introduced in 2008, is calculated independently to reflect the high cost of living in the capital, ensuring that workers and their families can afford the essentials and save. Vault City Brewery will now offer a minimum salary of £13.15 per hour, which is £1.15 more than the real living wage across the rest of the UK.

Famous for their innovative sour beers, such as Iron Brew, Cloudy Lemonade, and Rhubarb and Custard, Vault City Brewery believes that their employees deserve fair compensation in light of the increasing cost of living in Edinburgh. Co-founder Steven Smith-Hay emphasizes that the pledge to pay the London Living Wage demonstrates their commitment to valuing and properly compensating their hardworking team.

Addressing the issue, Steven stated, “We recognized that the cost of living in Edinburgh has continued to increase over the last few years, impacting our team’s wellbeing. Our loyal community of customers expects beer made by individuals who are paid fairly. Matching the London Living Wage aligns with our core values and reflects the reality of the world we live in today. Our team is our greatest asset, and it is essential for us as a business to prioritize their wellbeing and compensation.”

The high cost of living in Edinburgh has placed significant financial strain on residents, including university students, making it the most expensive city in the UK for this demographic, surpassing both London and Glasgow. The city ranks 53rd in the Cost of Living City Ranking, ahead of cities like Sydney and just behind Abu Dhabi, known as the ‘World’s next big millionaire hotspot.’

Housing prices in Edinburgh have also surged, with the average price for first-time buyers reaching £402,000 in May, marking a £20,000 increase from 2023. This figure exceeds the average price in Scotland by £172,000 and in Great Britain by £72,000. Shockingly, one in seven Edinburgh children now live in poverty, the highest rate on record.

In a recent incident, comedian John Tothill revealed that he agreed to contract malaria to earn enough money to perform at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival for one month. This anecdote underscores the financial challenges faced by individuals seeking opportunities in Edinburgh.

Given these circumstances, Vault City Brewery’s decision to implement the London Living Wage in Edinburgh is a step towards addressing economic disparities within the city. This initiative aligns with the brewery’s history of pioneering innovative measures, such as transitioning to a four-day working week in 2022, reducing working hours from 40 to 35.

Steven Smith-Hay, who initially brewed beer in his kitchen in 2018, envisions these progressive policies as a means of supporting and empowering his staff. He notes, “We have always aimed to set a high standard within and beyond our industry, advocating for fair wages and equitable working conditions. Apart from enhancing employee wellbeing and work-life balance, we have observed a decrease in recruitment costs and challenges. Our fair working policies and benefits packages have enabled us to attract exceptional talent during hiring processes.”

The introduction of the London Living Wage in Edinburgh by Vault City Brewery underscores the importance of fair compensation and ethical business practices. This decision reflects the brewery’s commitment to prioritizing the welfare of its employees and promoting a sustainable work environment.


The Impact of the London Living Wage Implementation
Challenges of the Edinburgh Cost of Living
Innovative Measures by Vault City Brewery

As discussions continue about the possibility of an Edinburgh Living Wage, it is evident that Vault City Brewery’s proactive stance sets a precedent for other businesses to prioritize fair compensation and employee welfare. Share your thoughts on this development in our poll and engage in the conversation in the comments section below.