
The Story Behind Baba’s Sauce

A heartwarming tale of family, tradition, and culinary passion lies at the core of Baba’s Sauce, a Scottish family firm that has recently landed a major deal with a supermarket giant. Founded in 2009 by Sunny Mollah, Baba’s Sauce has captured the taste buds and hearts of customers across Dundee and beyond with its secret chilli sauce recipe. The journey of Baba’s Sauce is not just about a delicious condiment; it is a story of resilience, love, and honoring a father’s legacy.

Sunny Mollah’s journey with Baba’s Sauce began after the passing of his father, Nurul, in 2008. Nurul owned several beloved takeaway businesses in Dundee, where Sunny had worked alongside him, absorbing the culinary skills and secrets that would shape his future. After his father’s death, Sunny stumbled upon a hidden treasure – his father’s secret recipe for a sweet and spicy chilli sauce that had been closely guarded since the 1970s. This discovery would set the stage for the creation of Baba’s Sauce and the continuation of his father’s culinary legacy.

In the midst of grief and loss, Sunny found solace and purpose in sharing his father’s beloved recipe with the world. Alongside his mother, they began serving the secret chilli sauce with their food, naming it Baba’s Sauce in honor of their late father. The sauce quickly became a household staple in Dundee, drawing customers from all corners of Scotland to savor its unique blend of flavors. What started as a humble endeavor between a son and his mother soon blossomed into a thriving business that would capture the attention of a major supermarket chain.

From Kitchen to Supermarket Shelves

The journey of Baba’s Sauce from a family kitchen to supermarket shelves is a testament to hard work, dedication, and a commitment to quality. Sunny Mollah shared, “Baba’s Sauce slowly became a household staple in Dundee, with customers traveling from all over Scotland to try it, so we decided to give selling it in bottles a go.” Starting small, with just his mother by his side, Sunny poured the sauce by hand and sold it at local markets, witnessing the growing demand for their unique creation.

As the popularity of Baba’s Sauce surged, Sunny saw an opportunity to expand their reach. Taking a leap of faith, he approached a local shop in Dundee to stock the sauce on their shelves, a decision that would change the course of their business. The warm reception from customers and retailers alike propelled Baba’s Sauce into the spotlight, leading to the opening of their first small factory unit in 2021. With the support of his wife and sister-in-law, the family business continued to grow, evolving from hand-poured bottles to the incorporation of proper machinery to meet the increasing demand.

The journey of Baba’s Sauce is a testament to the power of family, passion, and perseverance. Sunny Mollah reflected on their growth, saying, “We are doing this for my dad as we are living out his dream for him. I know I have made him proud.” The transition from a small family operation to a recognized brand in Scotland is a testament to their unwavering commitment to quality and authenticity.

A Milestone Achievement

The recent partnership between Baba’s Sauce and Asda marks a significant milestone in the company’s journey. Asda, a major supermarket chain, recognized the unique appeal and quality of Baba’s Sauce, welcoming it onto the shelves of all 61 stores in Scotland. Ashley Connolly, Asda Local Buying Manager for Scotland, expressed her delight at the collaboration, stating, “We are so pleased to welcome the Baba’s Sauce team into Asda stores. Sunny’s story is so heartwarming and special; it’s been a delight from the start to work alongside him and get their much-loved brand into Asda.”

For Sunny Mollah and his family, the partnership with Asda represents not only a business achievement but a fulfillment of a shared dream. Sunny shared his gratitude, saying, “We feel so grateful to work with a major supermarket like Asda, it is a very big milestone for us, both as a family and a business. Asda was always a goal for us so it’s incredible to have them on board as the sauce can meet a wider audience outside of Dundee – all across Scotland!”

The collaboration with Asda opens up new possibilities for Baba’s Sauce, allowing it to reach a broader customer base and share its unique flavors with a wider audience. The recognition and support from a prominent retailer like Asda validate the dedication and hard work that have gone into creating Baba’s Sauce, underscoring its position as a beloved culinary gem in Scotland.

In conclusion, the story of Baba’s Sauce is a compelling narrative of family, tradition, and culinary passion that has resonated with customers across Scotland. From a treasured family recipe to a sought-after condiment on supermarket shelves, Baba’s Sauce embodies the spirit of resilience, love, and honoring one’s roots. As the journey of Baba’s Sauce continues to unfold, one thing remains certain – the legacy of Nurul Mollah lives on through the savory delights of Baba’s Sauce, a testament to the enduring power of family, tradition, and a secret chilli sauce recipe that has captured the hearts of many.